Saturday, October 27, 2012

Healing vs Curing


Chiropractor's perspective:

By Dr Tom Dawson

This month’s topic is healing vs curing and the role of Chiropractic in the healing process. Chiropractic is not a healing art, in fact really nothing is. A good mentor of mine was a famous Chiropractor from the USA named Reggie Gold, he said the only thing humans have ever cured was bacon (cured meat). It was his way of saying, we heal ourselves, sometimes we need a bit of help, sometimes we need a lot of help, like in a traumatic situation like a car accident, and we may even need rehabilitation for some time, but the fact remains that it is US that does the healing, no-one else.

Taking responsibility for your own healing process can be difficult when you may firstly, not know what to do, and secondly who to see to do it. Traditional Medicine often gives us the impression that its the PILL or the DRUG that does the healing, but they can only help, the long term health and wellbeing of the organism (in this case its YOU) is reliant upon its own recuperative and regenerative powers. Taking the first step in a healing process by visting a Chiropractor can be a very good first step as we have always had the Philososphy that health comes from "Above Down, Inside Out", that is that the Nervous system that directs regeneration of the cells of the body on a continual basis is the Above part, and sends its messages down the spine and directs the body to produce the new proteins that build new cells and tissues that make up a healthy body.

We develop brand new cells all the time, our skeleton, that is all the cells that make up our bones, regenerates itself about every 6 years, all our muscles take roughly the same period of time so we have this continual turnover happening. How healthy and vibrant and FUNCTIONAL those cells become, depends very much on the lifestyles we lead, our genetics are set, they cant be manipulated, all you can do is affect the way we EXPRESS our health and our healing and regeneration.

 A great example of poor regeneration is Osteo-arthritis, unlike some arthritis, it involves generating new bone tissue, generated by the body in a 'supportive role', that is, when we have uneven weight bearing on a joint, over time bone develops where it wouldn't normally be and we have a degenerated joint surface. Most recent research shows this occurs in only 13 days after a joint stops working properly. When a Chiropractic adjustment restores correct motion to the joint, this process can return to normal and the healing process can occur.

Another reason a Chiropractor is a great first choice is we have a broad range of knowledge and can recognize when you need the help of another practitioner to heal properly. Remember, healing takes time but it is a natural process and no-one else can do it for you, we can only help.


Myotherapist's perspective:


By Clare Sullivan


Myotherapists don’t heal or cure muscular conditions.  We simply take actions to stimulate your body’s own healing process, so that you can heal yourself.
I am always driving the point home to my clients that if you are sore for a day or two after a myotherapy session, it is because I have purposefully disrupted and then re-aligned any dysfunctional muscle cells, so that your body can kick in its own healing response.
Your body is the one that does the healing, not me. 
During a Myotherapy session, we often break apart trigger points or “knots” that can be found in tense muscles. 
This helps in two main ways:
1. After knotty tissues are broken apart and smooth alignment is encouraged by the Myotherapist, your body can heal with the cells in this improved condition. Breaking apart shortened, tangled and knotty tissues is a good thing- lengthening and re-aligning these tissues can reduce pain and restore your freedom of movement. 
 Breaking apart muscle cells that are already dysfunctional and knotted will immediately prompt an immune response: cells such as lymphocytes, monocytes and other healing cells will rush to the area to do their work.
In most cases, this process lasts for a day or two.  This is why you can be sore for a day or two after a myotherapy session- the healing is still happening.  Once this process is complete, the healthy integrity of your muscle cells is on its way to being restored, and the pain is reduced or gone. 

Trigger points lying among muscle cells that are healthy, relaxed and aligned.

2. Toxic chemicals that accumulate in tense muscles and injury sites will be removed.
When muscle cells are knotty and contracted, blood supply to the area is reduced. There is an accumulation of chemicals or toxins present, including pain-causing and inflammatory chemicals, such as substance p (present with painful conditions), bradykinins, interluekins and prostaglandins. 
Increasing blood supply to the area through massage, and relaxing the tissues so that blood vessels will no longer be constricted after the massage, means that toxic chemicals can be removed, reducing pain and improving the health of the muscle cells.
After the healing process is complete, the healthy integrity of your muscles is on its way to being restored.
As for “curing” - often once the body heals itself of a particular condition, the condition will not return.  However, many of the most common health and muscular complaints are related to our day-to-day lives and lifestyles.  For this reason, we encourage our clients to look after themselves with maintenance style care - this keeps everything feeling good, working at its best, and prevents any future injuries or illnesses from developing.

Kinesiologist's Perspective:


By Gae O'Neil Donnellon

Kinesiology helps your body to Heal Yourself.

As a Kinesiologist, I do not claim to heal anyone! What I do is work with my clients using a muscle testing feedback system to identify blockages and imbalances in the body that prevent optimum health and well-being.
Our bodies have an innate healing intelligence. We are constantly healing ourselves and balancing ourselves energetically, to function at our best potential.
We thrive when our natural healing mechanism works smoothly, however stress in many forms disrupts our healing ability. These stresses can be emotional, dietary, physical and environmental factors. Often we are unaware that we are not functioning as well as we are able until symptoms occur.
In a Kinesiology session I work as a detective finding what is out of balance, the effect it has on you, and work with an enormous “toolbox” including Acupressure, Flower essences, Aromatherapy, Neuro Lymphatic points, Neuro Vascular points, Neuro Emotional points and Counselling to get you back into balance in order for your body to be able to heal and function optimally.
All sessions start with the client having a goal, as a Kinesiologist I work with you to address the blockages in order for you to heal yourself. Helping you achieve your best potential and innate healing power.
Working as a team at Wellbeing Hawthorn we have a wealth of knowledge and expertise to help our clients achieve optimum health and well being at all levels.
For more information about Kinesiology pick up a brochure on your next visit.

Naturopath's perspective:

By Sarah-Jane Purnell
As the final contributor to this blog I will keep things brief as the idea of Healing vs Curing has already been so well explained.
Naturopathy is a system of healing founded on the philosophy that the body has the ability to heal itself, if given the right support. A Naturopath encourages this innate healing ability with the application of diet modification, lifestyle changes, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, homeopathy and flower essences. Some people may only need simple prescriptions such as drinking more water or getting more exercise and others will require a more comprehensive treatment approach.
The key is to consider how you approach your health. Are you satisfied with a band-aid approach? You have already walked through our door to visit one of our practitioners which makes me assume your answer is no. My goal as a Naturopathic practitioner is to firstly alleviate symptoms and seconly discover the underlying cause of your ill-health so that you may take action to correct imbalances or deficiencies. Lastly I will strive to take your health to the next level so that you live your life feeling the best you possibly can. That is true welbeing - don't settle for anything less!