Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Message from Dr Tom Dawson:

It's our final newsletter for the year and we wanted to wish you all well for the holiday season and ask that you take care of yourselves during your holidays if you are lucky enough to be getting away. We urge you to remember that your health care is important during your holidays as well, watching what you are eating and drinking to make sure you come back from your break in good shape is as important as enjoying your break. Keep up your exercises if you have a regime also, these times are great for relaxing but just as good for enjoying that extra walk and getting some fresh air and exercise.  All too often I see people come back from their holidays and it takes a few months for them to get back to the pre-Xmas weight and fitness level, enjoy yourselves but just be careful too please!!

Wellness Lifestyle Programs

This year we have released our Wellness Lifestyle Programs, these programs are designed to improve the outcomes we expect from our regular chiropractic clients by combining a full nutritional analysis and progressive exercise program that takes into account the individual needs of every person. Its an optional extra we include for the Initial Consultation and the practice nutritionist Sarah Jane Purnell will greet every new patient with a smile and measure the major factors that influence that person's metabolism and identify issues such as obesity and the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, when you combine this with the benefits of a full Chiropractic analysis we get a great snapshot of your health and we can make confident recommendations to help you improve the areas most important to YOU. 

Ask Deanna or Nat about the Wellness Lifestyle Programs, have a look at the programs and what they involve in this newsletter and if you feel you would like to get involved with this type of care and enjoy the savings it brings from combining the professionals care, let us know and we can take you through it.  Sarah-Jane is currently offering a review for my existing patients where she will do all the metabolic analysis and basic interpretation for $50, its a steal and could really help you with achieving some of your health goals. The appointment take about 15 minutes.

Take a minute to go over our Wellbeing Lifestyle Programs and if you have any questions on how this may help you achieve your health goals in a measureable, affordable, multi-disciplianarian approach to your care, talk to me at your next appointment or call me on 98827135 or my mobile after hours on 0425770465. I'm always happy to help.

Merry Xmas to you and your family,
Tom Dawson DC

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